Who We Are ?
The foundation of the bank was aimed at providing a competitive service coupled with confidentiality and most importantly, security of depositors’ funds. The aforementioned, combined with meticulous adherence to statutory provisions and regulatory requirements, has led to formation of policies, which concentrate on prudent lending policies, maintenance of high liquidity and placements of surplus funds with institutions whose rating is high with accredited credit agencies. It is also our firm belief to place the customer highest in our order of priorities, followed by staff working in the bank as it is evident that if these two are satisfied then the shareholders will invariably benefit.
To enable the bank to achieve its vision, the following mission statement was adopted:
“We commit to providing dedicated personalized services coupled with confidentiality and security of depositors’ funds”
The philosophy of the bank is to ensure that it functions in a manner commensurate with its role as custodian of depositors’ funds. In pursuance to the above, the following objectives have been set:
a) Comply in letter and spirit with all applicable rules and regulations.
b) Ensure that the bank’s performance in all areas of operation matches that of competing institutions.
c) Interact proactively with customers so as to be progressive and innovative in dealing with them.
d) Maximize contributions from the bank’s key resources of capital, branch representation and information technology, taking account of the risks undertaken by the bank.
e) Empower personnel to perform at all times to their maximum efficiency and at the same time recognize their aspirations.
f) Identify staff training needs and provide adequate guidance in the form of in-house courses and external assistance in specific areas.
During the last couple of years Habib African Bank Ltd was twice rated among the most efficient banks in Tanzania as per survey conducted by a leading and globally established audit firm.
In recognition of efficient job performance by staff, the bank was awarded Certificate of Excellence by one of the leading correspondent banks in the USA on achieving 99% accuracy in the Straight Through Processing of outward remittances through SWIFT messages.

Personal Banking
International Trade

Habib African Bank Ltd.